We’re Good to Go!

News and Events, Our Journey

A couple of days after the announcement by our Prime Minister that lockdown restrictions were being lifted for the tourism sector we finally received guidance from Visit Britain as to what they expect from holiday accommodation providers in England.  The marque that they have introduced is called “Good to Go”.

In short, to attain the marque, it is fundamentally the same as what was mentioned last week.  We have conducted a Covid 19 specific risk assessment in addition to our existing risk assessment.  We have put in place additional measures to mitigate the risks and increased communication to our guests, through this blog, our newsletter and we will be sending a series of emails to our guests as well in advance of their stay with us to belt and brace everything.

We want you to feel safe when you holiday at Cliff, but to have a good holiday the measures we put in place should be as unobtrusive as possible.  So we are going to feel our way through this to find balance for everyone – but we are Good to Go!.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



Enclosure Rites and Wintringham Circular Walk

Enclosure Rites and Wintringham Circular Walk

Exploring the Wintringham Circular Walk: A Journey Through Art, History, and Nature The Wintringham Circular Walk in North Yorkshire offers a rich tapestry of experiences, blending contemporary art, historic villages, and the serene beauty of English landscapes....